By the way - the group picture here is courtesy of Daniel Pozner (Imaging-A-Nation Daniel Pozner (c) 2010) and features - left to right - Jorma Kaukonen, Steve Levine, Jack Casady, Lorelai Kude, Maya Yakabov and Sarah Pozner.
Streaming the best music, talk and Torah 24/6 from an undisclosed location, deep inside Nachlaot - Jerusalem's coolest neighborhood - to the World!
Nachlaot is the Greenwich Village / Haight Ashbury of Jerusalem - rhymes with "rock the boat, skin the goat"
Nachlaot is the Greenwich Village / Haight Ashbury of Jerusalem - rhymes with "rock the boat, skin the goat"
Thursday, December 23, 2010
By the way - the group picture here is courtesy of Daniel Pozner (Imaging-A-Nation Daniel Pozner (c) 2010) and features - left to right - Jorma Kaukonen, Steve Levine, Jack Casady, Lorelai Kude, Maya Yakabov and Sarah Pozner.