What did we learn?
One: Send a taxi for the sound guy, don't just assume he'll show up!
Two: Lorelai needs a wife, she realized that when The Wives showed up (cute babies in tow) with warm food for their hard-working husbands.
Any wife will do, she's not a picky eater. Just someone to bring her food!
Three: IT'S THE MUSIC, STUPID! When everything is said and done, it's the music that brings us together and makes us go through these insane gyrations, reconfigurations, excitations ... and we mamash made some beautiful music together last night!
Thanks for listening - it's only going to get better and better!
Today on Radio Free Nachlaot's "Israeli Soul" Afternoon we'll feature a pre-Purim set (after all, Purim is coming! Purim is coming!) with Yerachmael Ziegler and Gavriel Saks, "Five For Purim" from Aaron Razel, joyful sounds from Aleyodia, music from Akiva Gersh's new album, Oneg Shemesh and the rollicking sounds of Sasson.