Put another candle on the birthday cake, we're another year old today ...
Rosh Chodesh Kislev, two years ago today, Steve Levine and Lorelai Kude began broadcasting Radio Free Nachlaot "24/6 from deep within Nachlaot, Jerusalem's coolest neighborhood," from two very undisclosed locations ... and the rest is Internet radio history, folks!
We've come a long way, we've come a long way, we've come ten thousand miles today ... but have we ever really left L.A.?
Of course we have. We've been all around this world - more than once. And we'll do it again - because that's what we're all about - bringing you the best music, talk & Torah we can possibly get our hands on, every day all day, every night all night except OF COURSE for Shabbos & Chaggim.
If you count the "days off" we've had from broadcasting over the last two years - once a week, plus various Chaggim - they don't amount to much time for rest. Because the radio never sleeps - the first year whoever "had the radio" at night (meaning whether Steve had it at his undisclosed location or Lorelai had it at her undisclosed location), we had to check it constantly to make sure it wasn't buffering, that our machines hadn't re-booted, etc.
We've overcome a lot of the initial technical difficulties - thank G*d - although there are occasional blips, buffering (thanks so much ORANGE and HOT, our various Internet providers!!!), etc., we're like a typical two year old - we're cute, we can feed ourselves, we can toddle about, we're basically toilet trained, and somewhat socialized - although we're not making any promises about whether or not we'll have a "Terrible Two's" phase (we think not, of course - because we're actually starting out THIRD year of broadcasting today - zero to one, one to two, you know ... it's called COUNTING).
Anyway. Come celebrate with us! Monday night, November 28th from 7 - 11pm, we'll be hanging out at Mike's Place in Jerusalem (next to the Village Green restaurant, just off of Zion Square). Come have a l'chaim with us - say hello, wish us a happy birthday, help us put another candle on the birthday cake ... we're so happy to be another year old today, gevaldt!
..and don't forget - tonight, Sunday Night, 11/27, Sunday Night Live will celebrate Week 3 of the 9 Weeks of Shlomo with our special guest, Dr. Moshe Bloom. Steve and Lorelai will be live in Studio B, between 8 and 10 PM remembering Shlomo by spending time with someone who knew him! I mean we all know him, on some level, even if we never met him, but Moshe knew Shlomo and has HIS story to tell. We want to hear it, and share it with the whole world! You are going to want to listen!
C Ya on the Radio (24/6) -- and then we'll see you in person (Monday at Mike's Place - remember the top of the post?) What better a way to start Year 3 - don't you agree?