That's right, it's Thursday already. Where does all the time go?
...and forget time as in days of the week, or hours in the day, where does ALL THE TIME go? like, where do the years go?
17 years since (as we like to say) Shlomo "took off." 17 years since we were left to "do it on our own." He z"l, as all great Rebbes do, showed us the way, gave us the tools, and left us just in time -- in the right time -- to do it on our own.
I alway ask the question: "How are we the day after?" We have amazing MIND BLOWING experiences, are moved for moments, hours, even days and weeks, but really, how are we the DAY AFTER? How are we 17 Years Later?
I think celebrating a Yahrzeit is not only celebrating the life of he/she that has left, but also a chance for us to take a hard look at where we are, each year, so many years later.
We've been saying that the month of Cheshvan is Ram Cheshvan. Why Ram Cheshvan? Because we have to lift the month up. There are no chagim, no holidays to provide us with a spiritual assist. It's the month, wait for it, to DO IT ON OUR OWN. (and i don't necessarily mean by ourselves, 'cause we all need each other and need to work together to make the whole.)
In many ways, Shlomo, as his last act of kindness left us with a Spiritual Assist - his Yahrzeit.
Radio Free Nachlaot, where "Shlomo meets Jerry" actively celebrates Shlomo's life all the time. But,the Yahrzeit is still a special time. Join us on Sunday afternoon at 2:00pm - the annual ALIYA LaKEVER on Har HaMenuchot to be broadcast in live streaming video by BE THERE ISRAEL on RADIO FREE NACHLAOT. If you are in Jerusalem please join us a the Kever in person. If you're not, you'll be able to watch it in live streaming real-time video starting around 2pm Jerusalem time.
And then, Sunday Night, between 8:00 PM and 10:00 PM join us for a special Yahrzeit Edition of Sunday Night Live, featuring Shlomo Katz.
In addition, there are plenty of other events to remind you about:
...and forget time as in days of the week, or hours in the day, where does ALL THE TIME go? like, where do the years go?

I alway ask the question: "How are we the day after?" We have amazing MIND BLOWING experiences, are moved for moments, hours, even days and weeks, but really, how are we the DAY AFTER? How are we 17 Years Later?
I think celebrating a Yahrzeit is not only celebrating the life of he/she that has left, but also a chance for us to take a hard look at where we are, each year, so many years later.
We've been saying that the month of Cheshvan is Ram Cheshvan. Why Ram Cheshvan? Because we have to lift the month up. There are no chagim, no holidays to provide us with a spiritual assist. It's the month, wait for it, to DO IT ON OUR OWN. (and i don't necessarily mean by ourselves, 'cause we all need each other and need to work together to make the whole.)
In many ways, Shlomo, as his last act of kindness left us with a Spiritual Assist - his Yahrzeit.
Radio Free Nachlaot, where "Shlomo meets Jerry" actively celebrates Shlomo's life all the time. But,the Yahrzeit is still a special time. Join us on Sunday afternoon at 2:00pm - the annual ALIYA LaKEVER on Har HaMenuchot to be broadcast in live streaming video by BE THERE ISRAEL on RADIO FREE NACHLAOT. If you are in Jerusalem please join us a the Kever in person. If you're not, you'll be able to watch it in live streaming real-time video starting around 2pm Jerusalem time.
And then, Sunday Night, between 8:00 PM and 10:00 PM join us for a special Yahrzeit Edition of Sunday Night Live, featuring Shlomo Katz.
Shlomo will be sharing music, Torah, and stories of and by Shlomo. You might say it will be Shlomo on Shlomo, right here on the Video/Radio.
In addition, there are plenty of other events to remind you about:
Global E-Learning on Parsha VaYeira
GLOBAL E-LEARNING from the new CARLEBACH CHUMASH on Parshat VaYeira - download at, click
on 'parsha' - Carlebach communities world-wide will be learning Parshat VaYeira together. Join us to raise Torah Consciousness wherever you are!
on 'parsha' - Carlebach communities world-wide will be learning Parshat VaYeira together. Join us to raise Torah Consciousness wherever you are!
Annual Carlebach Memorial Concert at Binyanei HaUma
Saturday night at 8:30 - ANNUAL R' SHLOMO CARLEBACH YAHRTZEIT CONCERT - Binyanei HaUma in Jerusalem. Performers include: Featuring: **BenZion Solomon and Sons, Chaim Dovid Saracik, Yehudah Katz, Aaron Razel, Shlomo Katz,
Chiski Sofer, Yitzchak Meir, and Special Guest - Shlomo Bar**
Tickets: 100 NIS / 80 NIS
Advance reservations 077-2164436; 052-6070412 (assigned seating), Tickets available at the door
Doors open 8:00pm
Concert begins 8:45pm
Jonty Zwebner 052-5665600
Chiski Sofer, Yitzchak Meir, and Special Guest - Shlomo Bar**
Tickets: 100 NIS / 80 NIS
Advance reservations 077-2164436; 052-6070412 (assigned seating), Tickets available at the door
Doors open 8:00pm
Concert begins 8:45pm
Jonty Zwebner 052-5665600
...and then,
The 2nd Annual 9 Weeks of Shlomo Begins on Radio Free Nachlaot
Radio Free Nachlaot's 2nd Annual 9 Weeks of Shlomo officially begins on Shlomo's Yartzeit (the 16th of Cheshvan) and runs all the way through the anniversary of his birth (the 18th of Tevet).
During these 9 Weeks we will again bring you the best of the best of interviews with the original "Shlomo Chevre," those who lived with the phenomenon that was Reb Shlomo, as well as "the new generation" - Shlomo Chevre who didn't know him personally but whose lives have been touched, changed and illuminated by his songs, stories and Torah. We like to call these two groups the "Reshonim" and "Achronim" of Shlomo - and as last year, we promise to bring you the best of the best, the sweetest of the sweet, the most inside of the inside of the Shlomo Chevre as well as more music, stories and Torah during the 9 Weeks of Shlomo. Stay tuned for more details on the schedule as it evolves.
Today is still Thursday.
We still need to prepare for Shabbos and all the big events coming up right after.
Let's prepare together.
Music all day, the "Cookin' for Shabbos" show all night. (starting at 10 PM.)
Become a Member.
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C Ya on the Radio!
Today is still Thursday.
We still need to prepare for Shabbos and all the big events coming up right after.
Let's prepare together.
Music all day, the "Cookin' for Shabbos" show all night. (starting at 10 PM.)
Become a Member.
How can you not?
C Ya on the Radio!