Streaming the best music, talk and Torah 24/6 from an undisclosed location, deep inside Nachlaot - Jerusalem's coolest neighborhood - to the World!

Nachlaot is the Greenwich Village / Haight Ashbury of Jerusalem - rhymes with "rock the boat, skin the goat"

ZOOM: The Leader in Field Recording Excellence

ZOOM: The Leader in Field Recording Excellence
As Aretha Sang: "Who's Zoomin' Who?"

Monday, September 30, 2013

Monday Night Without Maya?

How could it be?
....and we finally decided to have Maya play us the music "only Maya can" on Monday nights, between 9 and 11 pm - you know, the professional thing to do, schedule a show....same time, same channel...
well, I guess that's not always the way it goes 'round here...
So, yes, Monday without Maya will take place tonight, and as soon as Maya can make it back to the radio, we will let you know!!!

...and what does Monday without Maya look like?
well, to start with we'll be celebrating the fact that 20 years ago Nirvana and the Counting Crows released major success albums - Nirvana's 3rd album, In Utero, and Counting Crows first album, August and Everything After -
Prompted by a long story i don't wish to make short - unless i do so on the air... we'll mixed together both albums and see where that gets us!

After that, you know Mickey Hart is in the queue, and other surprises -- hand selected just for you!

C Ya on the Radio!