"Israeli Soul Afternoons" on Radio Free Nachlaot still begins at 1pm Israel time, and we still play the best Jewish and Israeli music of all genres - and now we're topping the afternoon off at 5pm Israel time with NA NAH NACHIN' ON HEAVEN'S DOOR: TORAH FROM NACHLAOT!
Featuring teachers such as R' Daniel Cohen, R'Mike Fleur, Rav Aaron Leibowitz, Rabbi Tovia Singer, Rabbi Avraham Sutton, Raz Hartman, Chaya Kaplan-Lester, Yiscah Sara Smith (just the beginning!) "Na Nah Nachin' on Heaven's Door: Torah from Nachlaot" Mondays - Thursdays 5pm Israel time will showcase the highest of the high and holy Torah teachers from Nachlaot! Great teachers from Yeshivat Sulam Yaakov, Yeshivat Simchat Shlomo, and more!
TODAY: TANYA TUESDAYS!!! 5pm Jerusalem time join Yiscah Smith's Tanya Class - Perek Aleph begins today, don't miss it! Only on Radio Free Nachlaot!