We celebrated Jackie Wilson's Yartzeit, Ritchie Havens' Birthday and other festive occasions this morning on Lorelai's "Morning Dew for the Morning Jew" show. Today is also Erev the Birthday of Lorelai's "Uncle Lizard" (a.k.a. The Grand & Glorious Lizardine Emperor) who is OLD, OLD, OLD today, so very anciently reptilian ... which accounts for the preponderance of Genesis songs this morning, with a heavy emphasis on The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway. :)
We're sure you'll all agree that one of the drawbacks of Middle Age is the people you shared psychedelic experiences with in your youth don't want their children to know who they really are. We respect their privacy (under duress) :)
Radio Free Nachlaot is proud to present the debut of "HaOrot," the Poetic Lights of Rav Kook, performed by Greg Wall’s Later Prophets Featuring Rabbi Itzchak Marmorstein. on today's "Israeli Soul" show. Not to be missed!
Thursday's Schedule:
Rabbi Betzalel Edwards on the Piasetzner Rebbe - 1pm, 5:45pm, and 8:30pm
Rabbi Chaim Richman on Parshas BO - 2:45pm and 9pm
Israeli Soul Show - 1pm - 6pm featuring
- "HaOrot" - Lights of Rav Kook with Greg Wall's Later Prophets and Rabbi Itzchak Marmorstein
- "Long Time Gone" - the CSNY Cover-Band Project of Eliyahu "Elijah" Sidikman and Friends
- Aharit HaYamim
- Yishai Fleisher's "KUMAH" Project THE ALIYAH REVOLUTION featuring Aharit HaYamim Hai, the Moshav Band, Reva l'Sheva, Neshama Carlebach, C. Lanzbom and Noah Solomon, Menashe Neshama Ensemble, Chaim David, Shlock Rock, Yood, Gershon Verboa, Naftali Abramson, Benzion Lehrer, Aspaklaria, The Footsteops, Aaron Razel and Evan Sh'Siyah.
- Matisyahu
6pm - "Betten Gav" with Jean-Luc Ponty, Al DiMeloa and Stanley Clarke's "Rite of Strings"
7pm - Santana - ABRAXUS
8pm - Arlo Guthrie "Alice's Restaurant"
9pm - STEVE LEVINE takes over with his "Cookin' for Erev Shabbos" Show sometime between 9 and 9:30pm tonight ... stay tuned!