Today's Torah Schedule:
- 1pm, 5:45pm - Rabbi Betzalel Phillip Edwards' "Chevyria" Series (Part 13) on the Piasetzner Rebbe's Conscious Community continues.
- 3pm, 5:15pm, 8:15pm - Rabbi Chaim Richman's Parsha Shavua "Ki Tisa"
- 2pm - Rabbi Dovid Bendori "When Cleaning for Pesach Gets Out of Control" - a must-listen!
- 3:30pm - Rabbi Dovid Bendori "Baking Matzos for Pesach"
Today's Music Schedule:
- 8am -1pm: Lorelai's "Morning Dew for the Morning Jew" Show starts (as always) with Rebbe Nachman's Tikkun HaKlali, and continues all morning with a Salute to Feminine Fabulosity, featuriing Carly Simon, Joni Mitchell, Nina Simone, Billie Holiday, Bonnie Raitt, Indigo Girls, Lucinda Williams, Sinead O'Connor, Janis Joplin, Nancy Griffin, Suzanne Vega, Queen Latifah, Norah Jones, Joan Armatrading, Cheryl Crowe and more. There just isn't enough time!!!
- 1pm - 6pm "Israeli Soul" Afternoon starts with a loving tribute to Antonio Vivaldi on the occasion of his 332nd Birthday! The Four Seasons plus a little more! We continue with "Locals We Love" - the beautiful piano stylings of Ariel Elisha Leon Rosen and Yosef Adest take us through the afternoon, ending with tunes from Akiva Gersh.
- 6pm - Bob James - the Smooth Jazz & Jazz Fusion Master, treats us to "Fourplay" and "Between The Sheets" - something to snuggle up to!
- 8pm - The Beatles! Yes, the Beatles - too classic, never out of fashion. All your favorite Beatles songs continue until Steve takes the wheel of this crazy bus we call Radio Free Nachlaot sometime after 9pm for his "Cookin' for Erev Shabbos Show" - don't go away, stay tuned to see what's cookin' in Steve's Soul Kitchen!
Friends, the End is Near - the End of the Week, that is. With much love and gratitude we wish you an amazing Shabbos - it's a special one (they all are, aren't they?) but the "chok" (statute) of the Red Heifer is read this Shabbos, and the essence of a "chok" is you CAN'T understand it rationally, it's beyond the capacity of the human mind to grasp - which is why HaShem gave "chokim" to us, to strengthen our faith and give us an opportunity to have a "reason to believe" - JUST BECAUSE HE SAYS SO. We wish you ever-growing EMUNAH FAITH and - Good Shabbos! Good Shabbos!