What do you do when the British are Invading? Who do you call when you hear the man on the radio announcing "The Beatles are coming, the Beatles are coming? Well, you call your friends, and your family and anyone who's around and tell them that the Beatles are coming! And to where might they be coming? Well, to Radio Free Nachlaot, of course!
Tonight between 8:00 PM and 11:00PM we will celebrate the 47th anniversary of the Beatles first American T.V. performance on the Ed Sullivan Show (2/9/64). We've got plenty of Beatles music, and some Beatle Surprises, as well! Hey, who knows, maybe Rena will reprieve the famous "pomegranate story" for us-all.
It's all happening tonight, Wednesday, February 9th people, so you better stay tuned - you don't want to miss it, now do you?!!