Shavua Tov! It's a new week! As usual we're going to get the week started off with a bang! Sunday Night Live this week will feature Naftali Abramson - live from Studio "G" (which stands for Gevaldt!) - 8:00 PM - 11:00 PM -- brought to you by BE THERE ISRAEL - When your simcha or event is here (Israel) and your friends, family and colleagues are there (The Whole Wide World) - we can bring the simcha to them, and that way bring them to you. BE THERE ISRAEL - live streaming video, just like you see on Radio Free Nachlaot -- that's right, you can watch us on the radio!!!! Far out!!!
There's a whole lot more going on this week - so stay tuned!
Shavua Tov, Shavua Tov.