Yom HaZichron HaShoah -
Holocaust Remembrance Day - is observed in Israel on the 27th of Nissan, and we're featuring music by
David Grisman (
"Songs Of Our Fathers") as well as a special interview with
Elie Wiesel this afternoon. Tonight on Steve & Lorelai's
"Sunday Night Live" Show (8pm - 11:30pm Jerusalem Time) we will explore some of the philosophical and spiritual conundrums that surround the Holocaust. Six million souls were separated from their bodies, six million songs - each soul is a song - gone unsung cannot go unanswered by the universe. We can't answer all of the questions, we can't ask questions in the void of the unanswerable. But we can tell the stories, sing the songs, remember the lives and welcome the souls back into this world as they join us here again, in the final act of the play as all the actors assemble upon the stage. Lights, camera - action! The show must go on, and each of us must play our part. Join us.