- Rabbi Chaim Richman's Series "The Temple from Heaven" Parts 1 - 3 (12M - 2:15am, 2pm - 3:45pm)
- Rabbi Yossi Shusteman on the Halacha of the 3 Weeks and Tisha b'Av (2:15am, 3:45pm)
- Rav Ozer Bergman's Rebbe Nachman Shiur (2:30am, 4:14pm)
- Rav Betzalel Phillip Edwards on the Piasetzna Rebbe Part 1 (3:30am, 5pm)
- Rabbi David Aaron on "Seeing G_d: An Introduction" (3:30am, 5:15pm)
- Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro on Parenting Part 1 (4:30am, 6:15pm)
- Lorelai's Interview with Author Lisa Alcalay Klug ("Cool Jews") (6:15am, 8:45pm)
- "Man in the Desert" Part 1 (6:25am, 8:15pm)
- Tovia Singer's interview with Lorelai Kude on "Temple Mount Awareness Day"
- "Man in the Desert" Part 2 (7:15am, 9:10pm)
- Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro on Parenting Part 2 (7:20am, 9:15pm)
- "Light Unto The Nations" - The Battle for Jerusalem has Begun (8:30am, 10:30pm)
- Rabbi Chaim Richman: "True Service" (10:40am, 12:35am)
- Special exclusive Erev Rosh Chodesh Av Radio Free Nachlaot interview with Rabbi Chaim Richman (11:07am, 1am)
- Rav Avraham Sutton "Esther in the Beit HaTzelem" (11:40am, 1:25am)
- BenZion Eliyahu Lehrer Part 1 on The Jewish Calendar (12:53pm, 2:50am)