Shavua Tov - Day 7 has begun - The Week in which Tisha B'av falls - the observance of the 9 days in its most strict way applies now to everyone - Ashkenazim, Sefardim, and really the whole world. Temperatures are rising. AV energy is burning. We read the words of the Prophet Isaiah this morning to the tune of Eichah -- minor key - sadness. Serious stuff, huh? You betcha! It is serious stuff, and that's the point - are we taking things seriously? We are continuing with our special 9 days programming to allow us all to hear the words of our Rabbis as they guide us and help us focus so that on the 10th of Av we will be a whole lot better.
Here's the schedule:
10:07 PM, 7:29 AM, 10:57 AM, 2:34 PM - Rabbi Betzalel Edwards, The Chevraya Part 8
10:19 PM, 7:41 AM - Rabbis Shapiro - Ramchal - Derech Hashem - Part 6
11:19 PM, 6:24 AM, 1:32 PM - Shlomo
12:24 AM, 8:41 AM - Rabbi David Aaron - Seeing G-d, Part 6
1:22 AM, 9:39 AM - Rabbi Shapiro - Parenting - Part 6
2:22 AM, 10:39 AM - Rabbi Sholom Brodt - Loving your Neighbor
2:51 AM, 11:08 AM, 2:45 PM - Rabbi David Aaron - Seeing G-d, Part 7
3:49 AM, 12:06 PM, 3:43 PM - Rabbi Shapiro - Parenting - Part 7
4:41 AM, 12:59 PM - Rabbi Chaim Richman - Rosh Chodesh Av interview with Lorelai
5:15 AM, Rabbi Shapiro - Ramchal - Derech Hashem - part 7
2:26 PM, Rabbi Chaim Richman - Parshas Devorim
4:36 PM, Misc Shlomo - Chodesh Av
5:21 PM, Rabbi Richman - The Battle of Jerusalem Part 1
6:20 PM, Rabbi Richman - The Battle of Jerusalem Part 2
7:22 PM, Rabbi Shapiro - Ramchal, Derech Hashem - Part 8
8:30 PM, Rabbi Ozer Bergman - Rebbe Nachman Shiur - July 8, 2010
Remember - Lorelai and Steve will be live tonight, 9PM 'ish (after R' Ozer's shiur) - 11PM - talk, Torah, - discuss Radio Free Nachlaot's new 2nd Season, and a whole lot more!