"They say it's your birthday...."
Yes folks, It's Ringo Starr's Birthday - His 70th Birthday! Wow! Happy Birthday to ya!
Well, like i tell my wife, as long as the kids are getting older, and not me, then it's ok.
In honor of Ringo's 7oth we're going to side step our regular "toned-down" 3 weeks playlist and feature Ringo Starr's new album Y NOT - at about 8:30 PM, some Ringo Classics in the middle, and then The Ringo Starr Allstars, in concert.
So there - just sit back, and enjoy the show!!!
Rememeber - Steve's Cookin' For Shabbos show will be on the air, IY"H, Thursday night beginning after 9:30 / 10 pm, and Don't Forget - Rebbe Nachman with Rabbi Ozer Bergman - our weekly shiur will continue, Thursday night - live - between 8:00 and 9:00 PM. Please contact us at Radiofreenachlaot@gmail.com if you would like to dedicate the shiur, or sponsor any of our shows right here at Radio Free Nachlaot.