So, what's on the radio you say? to what will I be working my way up to Shabbos?
Well here's the plan -
Duke Ellington's Great Paris Concert 'til noon'ish
Rabbi Chaim Richman on Parshas Matos-Masei at 12:10 - to be followed by the Art Ensemble of Chicago featuring Lester Bowie - then some free-mixing (that's what we call it when we still don't know what we're going to play) until 3:30 -- when we will bring you the Radio Free Nachlaot "not for kids only" Children's Hour -- which still goes for about and hour and half - but kids don't do math...
today's kids show will feature music from the Smithsonian Folkways Childrens Album and from Walt Disney's Jungle Book -- and then we're going to Shlomo and Jerry - it till Shabbos --
of course all music is being tastefully selected within the spirit of the "three weeks" and Steve's Shloshim period - but you know, erev shabbos is like a "spiritual free zone" -- even in a Shiva house the mourners can "get up from shiva" in enough time to prepare for shabbos.
so, how do you prepare for shabbos? how do we here at RFN prepare you and us for shabbos?
we play Jerry and Shlomo and go down the road feeling so glad that Shabbos is coming -- ok, so we may not be dancing down the road during these "end of tamuz" days, but a smile and a skip can't be stopped - if you know what i mean. Even the hottest Chamsin has to break.....
and so, the slow build to tisha b'av will continue during the 9 days - and we will have plenty of special programming to fit even that "mood" -- but, not for today. today all we have to say is that Shabbos is coming, Good Shabbos, Good Shabbos.
what did he say???
Shabbos is coming, hooray, hooray!!!!