It's Tisha B'Av 5770. We've played an entire 9 Days worth of Shiurim by some of our favorite Torah Teachers, and have pulled out all the stops today. Just keep Radio Free Nachlaot on in the background - you've literally got nothing better to do today if you're in the hot Jerusalem sun without water or food until after 8pm tonight (OK, sometime between 8:14 and 8:24pm, depending on where you "hold"). You'll be hearing Shiurim from Rabbis Chaim Richman, Avraham Sutton, Ozer Bergman, Betzalel Phillip Edwards, Benzion Eliyahu Lehrer, Sholom Brodt, David Aaron, Yaakov Shapiro, Avraham Union, Moshe New, Nissan Mangel, and the very special Rebbetzin Rena Richman ("Bat Melech"). Interspersed throughout these Torahs will be a-Capella sacred songs by Avraham Sutton to soothe your tired and possibly dehydrated soul.
We'll continue with this programming until early Wednesday Afternoon, when Lorelai and Steve will kick of "Season 2" of Radio Free Nachlaot - LIVE - WITH MUSIC - oy, the relief will be palpable!
This morning Lorelai joined a group of fellow Jews - Israeli Passport / Teudat Zechut - holding Jews of the visibly religious persuasion - on the Temple Mount - Har HaBayet, the holiest place on Earth and The Place ("Ha Macom") where the Mother of All Klipot (shells or husks of impurity) has taken up residence & is holding all the Holy Sparks captive. You can see pictures of this trip as well as videos on Lorelai's Facebook Page , where it is written:
This year I really GOT why we go to the Mikveh & wear non-leather shoes to go up to the Temple Mount, & how important it is to fervently pray before-hand. The Place is being held captive by The Mother of All Klipot, & the tuma is so thick you can cut it with a knife. We arm ourselves in the energetic, spiritual realm but our numbers are few & our biggest enemy is disunity amongst our own People. HEAVEN HELP US.
Yes dear friends, fans and Radio Free Nachlaot listeners - Heaven WILL help us, you can be sure. Radio Free Nachlaot is doing whatever we can to bring all of us together using music, Torah and our original programming to do so. We believe in YOU. Stay with us, won't you?