Does airborne transportation have a particularly inherit vortex-like quality for the young and talented? Is there a reason their spirits left their bodies when they were flying, Icarus-like, so close to the Sun? We can't answer these questions, only pause to remember and enjoy the fruits of their lives - the music they left behind. The creative urge is how we mere humans are the most G*d-like, and how we grasp for immortality while still strutting & fretting our hour upon the stage of life.
Legendary concert promoter and impresario Bill Graham also lost his life while airborne - in a helicopter crash we're not entirely sure wasn't engineered by Dark Powers who wanted to stop him from testifying before Congress on the subject of Corporate concert ticket monopolies - and in tribute to him we're playing a lot of music later tonight from The Byrds and The Grateful Dead.
Today's Torah Schedule:
1pm and 5:45pm - Rabbi Betzalel Phillip Edwards' Series on the Piasetzner Rebbe continues
3pm - Rabbi Chaim Richman's Series on The Moshiach and The Holy Temple (Part 3) continues
6pm - Rabbi Chaim Richman's Parsha Shavua - Yitro
Today's Music Schedule:
8:30am - 1pm "Morning Dew for the Morning Jew" Show - will be playing Fleetwood Mac "Rumors" Album in its entirety during the 12:00 Noon - 1pm hour
1pm - 6pm "Israeli Soul" - it's a musical combina! We start with "Bo'i Kallah" - Sephardi Tunes and Kurdi music (thanks Aaron Haroon Hai for the compilation) then Aharit HaYamim, Ehud Banai, Semantra and The Moshav Band.
6pm - Joe Cocker's "Mad Dogs and Englishmen"
8pm - The Byrds Live at The Fillmore 1969, followed by Sweetheart of The Rodeo
10pm - The Grateful Dead Golden Hall Community Concourse, San Diego (1970), followed by the PERRO Sessions (Planet Earth Rock and Roll Orchestra) and The Dead 1968 Carousel Ballroom, San Francisco.