February 2nd may be famous for being Groundhog Day, but at Radio Free Nachlaot we're celebrating the birthdays of two legends - one of whom is living and the other one who is technically "dead" but whose ideas, characters, philosophy and raw spirit lives on far past her "expiration date." This morning on Lorelai's
"Morning Dew for the Morning Jew" Show we were treated to an entire long set of interviews, music and sound clips dedicated to the 105th birthday of philosopher / author / misunderstood female
Ayn Rand. Born 105 years ago today to an assimilated Jewish family in St. Petersburg on the eve of the Russian Revolution, Ayn Rand suffered the double indignities of being smarter than anyone else in the room (no matter where the room was or who was in the room) and subjected to the small-mindedness of "Muggles" (mere mortals) who neither cared to think for themselves nor allow those more qualified to think for them. After escaping Communist Russia & landing in the U.S. without a single word of English nor a kopeck to her name, she went on to become a screenwriter, best-selling author and living legend.
"Atlas Shrugged" has sold more copies of any other book in publishing history except for The Bible. Think about THAT!
Conversely, it's also the birthday of musical legend Graham Nash. A founding member of Crosby Stills Nash (and Young), Graham Nash has given the world a musical legacy of beauty, grace, pain, exaltation and spiritual transcendence sure to outlast his own lifetime (it should be a long, healthy one). Plus, he was Joni Mitchell's boyfriend during their mutual youth - which sends him off the cool-meter, in our book.
Today's Torah Schedule:
1:00 pm & 5:45pm - Rav Betzalel Phillip Edwards series on the Piasetzner Rebbe continues
4:45 pm & 8:00pm - Rabbi Chaim Richman's Parsha Shavua - YITRO, baby! Can't believe we're already in Yitro again!
Today's Music Schedule:
1pm - 6pm "Israeli Soul" features Oneg Shemesh and RebbeSoul (Bruce Burger) BOTH of whom are playing TONIGHT in Jerusalem at the Canaan Bar (15 Shamai Street in Jerusalem) Show starts at 9:30pm - Bruce is playing with one of our favorite bands, HaMakor, and Oneg is opening for them. It WILL be a Gevaldt!
6pm - Bluegrass Sessions! Bela Fleck, Sam Bush, Vince Gill - unbelievable!
8pm - CROSBY STILLS & NASH - THE ENTIRE FREAKING 4-DISC DISCOGRAPHY! Should run until almost 1am ... enjoy!