As our Tuesday Morning DJ, Maya Yakobov says: ROCK ON! We'll leave the rocking to Maya this morning - Tuesdays belong to the Queen of Amazing, who would travel all over the world via plane, train, automobile, dogsled, rickshaw or skateboard to bring you the best music on the planet. She's a

Tuesday evenings still belong to The HOMEGROWN HOUR. What a treat we had at our Radio Free Nachlaot birthday party when one of our Homegrown Artists, Ofer Golany, actually showed up and PLAYED with Steve's "Friends of Mister Levine" Pick-Up Band! We'll hear from Ofer and other Homegrown Artists tonight at 7pm Jerusalem Time - we have something really SPECIAL to share with you!
But meanwhile ... there's still "Israeli Soul Afternoon" between now and tonight ... We'll be hearing our Parsha Shavua "Vayetzei" from Rabbi Chaim Richman at 1pm, and "The Prayers That Bind" at 2pm, followed by a special Chanukah Torah by Rav Avraham Sutton (he's teaching on Chanukah out of the Leshem and Rebbe Nachman, it's very special!) and at 5pm Dov Laimon's series on Bereshis (Genesis) continues with "Midos haDin and Midos haRachamim" (which to non-Hebrew speakers means: the attribute of Judgment and the attribute of Mercy). Don't worry - it's in English! :)
Which brings us to another point ... now that we're in our second year of broadcasting, wouldn't it be a good idea to add some Hebrew-language Torah and programming to our mix? What do you think about that?
We want to hear from you. Write to us at: RADIOFREENACHLAOT@GMAIL.COM (no need for caps but ... we want you to notice!)