..and why do we remember her?
Questions? Yes, we have questions - for example -
What is Bob Dylan up to, anyway?
And speaking of questions, we're not the only ones asking questions. Did you hear Ben Bresky's interview with the RFN Gang yet? (scroll down a few pages and you can click - download, or play to hear the answers to some of the questions that are of course plague-ing your mind!!!!
Aother question that comes with more questions - What day is it?
Right - it's Thursday!
What will we hear at noon since Dr. Leibe is away?
What will we hear at 7:30 since R' Ozer is away?
Not to forget those other thursday questions, like, who's coming forShabbos meals, and what are we cooking? Should we have soup? Is it soup season yet? And should we have chicken?, or hey, how about meat balls...but wait - shouldn't we be makiing cholent? (btw - ask Lorelai about her first ever cholent, speaking about questions and cholent!)
...and speaking of cholent, yes, it's a cholent here at Radio Free Nachlaot.
A Music, Torah and Talk cholent, all mixed together, seasoned with the spice of the day, all simmering waiting to be tasted by all who come along.
Come give us a taste, won't you?
Today's schedule:
Today's schedule:
Steve will drive the magic bus until noon, featuring some live Bob Dylan from 7/3/10 - U.K. around 10 am 'ish.
Lorelai takes over at noon and will answwer all our afternoon programming questions and keep us going until about 8:30 pm when Steve will resume and start heading us down the road to Shabbos. We don't officially start "cookin' for Shabbos" until 10PM, but there's alway the pre-cooking prep that needs music, doesn't it?
Just remember, "the road goes on forever, and the party never ends!!!"
C ya on the Radio!