Road Trip. Lorelai has gone on a road trip. With all her digital recording media in hand, she is traveling across the land of Israel for the next few days. 1st Stop - Bat Ayin - Destination? Parts unknown?
Well, all we can say is that Lorelai will be sending her Interviews from the Road to us, and we'll be featuring them, along with some "traveling music" all day long!
And don't forget:
12:00 Holy Healing with Dr. Leiba Shulman -- this week Dr. Leiba is on the road so we'll have to do Chazarah - going to the audio-tape for a repeat of her latest session from a few weeks ago.
7:30 - 8:30 R' Ozer Bergman's Shiur on Rebbe Nachman - and this week (yes, you guessed it) R' Ozer is on the road, so we'll do chazarah and re-play his last Shiur from a few weeks ago.
10:00 - Steve, who is not on the road - I mean someone has to run this radio station! (and anyway, Steve went to the Chula Valley last week, so he had his day off!) will be Cookin' for Shabbos starting with pre-cookin' prep at 8:30 - getting things going full swing by 10 PM.
so, you think you're not going anywhere?
Just stay with Radio Free Nachlaot - let us, and the music take you wherever you need to go!