Tonight - November 7th -
Doors Open at 6pm at the fabulous recording studio/video production headquarters of Asiyah Media - located at 30 Beit HaDafoos which is the Mercaz Sapir building just off of Kanfai Nesharim in Givat Shaul. 3rd floor Suite 52. Busses that go to Kanfai Nesharim are: #15, the #2, the #29 as we...ll as the #60, 74 and 75.
It's a party! It's a live musical happening! It's a FUNDRAISER for Radio Free Nachlaot! We'll be accepting your donation (denomination & amount of your choice, thank you in advance very much for supporting us) at the door and you'll receive a raffle ticket, we're raffling off a GUEST DJ SPOT on the radio - come on, you KNOW you've always wanted to play radio! Now is your chance to win!!!