That's our story and we're sticking to it. Some of our story is featured today via interviews Israel National Radio host Ben Bresky conducted with us during our Birthday Party this past Sunday night.
Were you at our party? Did you see our party on live streaming video? We'd love your feedback if you did - you can email us at radiofreenachlaot@gmail.com and let us know what your viewer experience was when you watched the live streaming videocast (courtesy of our friends at Asiyah Media ... and by the way if you want to know how YOU can have live streaming video of your important events - weddings, bar/bas mitzvahs, brit milahs, etc. - Asiyah Media can be contacted in Jerusalem at (074) 701-2010 or email them at studio@asiyahmedia.com )
So ... we're thinking about Hobbits. Yes, the little folks in J.R.R. Tolkien's "Lord of the Rings" Trilogy. Everybody knows the minhag of Hobbits on their birthdays, right? Hobbits make a practice of giving gifts to others on their birthday. We've got gifts for you, too. Hand-picked programming, carefully crafted interviews, specials, Torah, Parsha Poetry, shiurim. Original programming, weekly series, special presentations. Oh, did we mention Showtunes? We're giving it all to you, all the time - at least 24/6 (on Shabbos we rest, thank G_d!!!)
It's a gift to us that HKBH allowed us to create Radio Free Nachlaot. We love "playing radio" with you.
Today's Schedule:
- 8:20am - Rebbe Nachman's Tikkun HaKlali
- 9am - Musical Cholent featuring Rickie Lee Jones, Poco, Otis Reddding, the Rolling Stones, Mary Chapan Carpenter, Ritchie Havens and Lyle Lovett. Tasty!
- 1:40pm - Ben Bresky's interview from our Birthday Party! Featuring Steve Levine, Lorelai Kude, Maya Yakobov and Benzion Eliyahu Lehrer. Enlightening, eye-opening and entertaining! (We'll repeat this at 8:45pm as well).
- Afternoon "Israeli Soul" Music from Mindy Ribner ("Holy"), Nomi Teplow ("Like a Rushing Spring") and HaBanot Nechama ... a beautiful frame for Torah ...
- 3pm - Avraham Sutton on Chanukah
- 5pm - Rabbi Chaim Richman's Parsha Shavua "Vayetze" and Chaya Kaplan-Lester's Parsha Poetry (repeats at 7:45pm)
- 6:30pm - B.B. King brings us "Deuces Wild" (Yes it's true Lorelai has been thinking about Las Vegas a lot lately).
- 8pm - Billy Joel's "Streetlife Serenade" (1974)
- 9:15pm - Louis Armstrong "New Orleans Nights" (l'kavod our friends at the GA this week in New Orleans ... come home soon, Matthew!)
...And speaking of rockin' - we thank our friends & fans for rocking our world with your contributions to Radio Free Nachlaot. Yes, we're still fundraising - it's our Birthday Month, and the only month of the year we reach out to YOU, our friends, fans & listeners, asking for a contribution towards our operations - $18 is a good number, if everyone gave $18 we'd have our entire operating budget for the year!
If you're rolling in cash (and we hope you are) feel free to give more - but we believe that anyone with an internet connection can afford a gift of $18. Check the PayPal icon on our web site! It's the easiest way to send money - although if you see Steve or Lorelai walking around town and feel compelled to slip us a few shekels, we won't say no!
We know from our stats that you love us. We're a HABIT with you. 75% of you come back and listen to Radio Free Nachlaot, again and again. You're a habit with us - we think about you all the time, ponder what to play for you, love interacting with you on Facebook, by email, but most of all in REAL LIFE.
Hobbits. Habits. Hearts - ours and yours. We have a heart to give - we hope you do too.
Giving is good. It's what we do. As Reb Bob Marley says: Give thanks and praise to the Lord and it will be alright!