Gevaldt, as if there wasn't enough to worry about - let's let go of things we can't control (like the weather and the calendar, both secular and sacred) and let those worries fly away like little birds - straight into the sky, where they belong. As Rebbe Nachman says, "It's a very good thing to pour your heart out to G_d."
If you're having a hard time pouring your heart out, at least open your clenched fist and let go of what you're holding on to ... try a variation on the theme of your usual thoughts, it won't kill you and it may even help.
Today's Morning Dew for the Morning Jew show is the "Extended Play Version" due to our own internal "variation on a theme" scheduling issues - we'll be playing "morning music," then settle into some philosophical conundrums, no-exit escape routes and finally, reach a resolution - and helping us get there: the Beatles, Joni Mitchell, the Allman Brothers, Cat Stevens, Cheryl Crowe, Neil Young, Blanket Statementsein, Amy Winehouse, Sublime, Leonard Cohen, Nina Simone, George Harrison and more, so many more - that's what the "Morning Dew" Show is all about, weaving a mood, creating a storyline, telling your tales from the inside out. Not too much narration, but a whole lot of variation!
At 1pm we'll hear Benzion Eliyahu Lehrer's class from last week (Benzion should G-d willing be back with us at our normal time next Monday at 11am), and for our "Israeli Soul" Afternoon" we'll hear music from Reva l'Sheva, Yood, Aaron Razel, Aharit Hayamim, Benzion Lehrer, C Lanzbom and Noah Solomon, Chaim David and more - yes, that would be Yishai Fleisher's famous "Aliyah Revolution" album! We'll also hear music from Judablue, Ya'akov Yisrael (Jim Costello), Eden and Ehud Banai.
At 5pm we'll hear Rabbi Chaim Richman's latest "Light Unto the Nations: Prayers That Bind."
There's more, there's more ... but let's get through the day first, we'll be back later to tell you what's next - meanwhile - let go of those troubles and let them fly away like birds, won't you?
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