Yes, it's Mid-week, mitvuch - the balancing point between last Shabbos and the Shabbos whose arrival is but a few days off. Balance -- and how do we achieve balance? It's a process we must all define for ourselves -however, Radio Free Nachlaot is totally aware of the need for balance. We balance our programming between Music, Talk and Torah, and then we balance the music -- Rock, Jazz, Funk, Folk, Reggae and Blues -- We know there's a time for everything, and that it's our job to keep it all flowing. Yes sir, a well - balanced diet precisely tuned to allow us to make that connection between Heaven and You!
So, now that we're speaking about "cosmic balance" and good radio programming:
Today we celebrate a Yahrzeit and a Birthday. I mean, you can't get more balanced than that!

Starting after 7 PM we will celebrate the Yahrzeit of Bob Marley who died 30 years ago, today, May 11th 1981.
And then at 9:00 PM we'll put our "birthday hats" on and let Maya lead us through a Radio Birthday Celebration for U2's front-man, Bono - whose birthday was Tuesday, May 10th. Of course celebrating Israel's birthday took precedence, I mean, we are broadcasting from Yerushalayim, but we are not going to miss out on a chance to party in honor of Bono, now, are we? -- and anyway, Maya wouldn't let us miss this one!
So, you got it?
Wednesday. Balance. Life and Death.
Bob Marley - after 6 PM
Bono - after 9PM.
Where else are you going to find this?
C Ya on the Radio!