After a series of badly bi-lingual irate and tearful phone calls (one which left her on hold for a total of 26 minutes) a technician appeared by 11am and VOILA, we were back in business by Noon, when Steve threw the stream over & Dr. Liebe Schulman showed up to do her "HOLY HEALING" show (which, of course, was a huge success and available for Download from our Download Page .
So really, in the words of Alfred E. Neuman (who, we discovered this week, was a secret kiruv agent for the Lubavicher Rebbe!): "What? Me Worry?"
So we didn't worry when we played Torah from Chaim Richman this afternoon, or the recording of Bill Cosby's "Noah" comedy routine - heck, it's THE time of year to play that one, early and often this week!
We didn't even worry (much) when we announced we were playing Miriam Makeba's "Queen of African Music" album and one of our Facebook Friends went off on a diatribe about Miriam Makeba being married to Stokely Carmichael a.k.a. Kwame Ture, a notorious anti-Semite. No consolation that they separated in 1973 and then divorced, we were suddenly the bad guys. A heated discussion of artist as an artist vs. artist politics/personal life ensued. But we still didn't worry.

In fact, this is the first "regular" week we've had since the Chaggim began - we had Reb Moishe Geller on (for a few minutes, at least) our Sunday Night Live Show, Benzion on Monday, Maya (or at least we TRIED to have Maya - darn digital files from hell!) on Tuesday, "Homegrown Hour" on Tuesday night, Dr. Liebe's Holy Healing at Noon on Thursday and Rav Ozer Bergman's Rebbe Nachman class on Thursday night - that's a pretty regular week so far!
And tonight starting at 11pm - What? Me Worry? Of course not - Steve Levine is Cookin' for Shabbos - if that's not comfort food, I don't know what is!!!