Tonight on THE HOMEGROWN HOUR we've got some tasty treats for you!
Steve Levine has been working hard behind the scenes with our friends at JERUSALEM JAMS - and we've got a few tracks from that project (which you'll be hearing much more about very soon) including a song from Noah Solomon and C Lanzbom of Soul Farm titled "Let It All Unwind" (sounds like a good idea, right?)
We'll also hear Y-Love singing "Move On" - another Jerusalem Jams project - boy, the music coming out of this project is awesome!
We've got a track from Noah Lublin called "Nation of Priests" and a special piece from Shoshanna Harrari and Tamar Attias called "Mimkomcha" (Shlomo's Niggun).
We'll also hear some FUN music - Jim Costello's "Shook It In The Sukka" and "Dance Your Tuchas Off" is sure to get you rockin' ... Also we have music from Susan Salidor's "Songs In The Key of Chai" - "What is Peace to You?" and "I've Got Peace in my Fingers." Both Jim Costello and Susan Salidor write songs for children, but hey - we've all got a little inner child within who might want to know how to shake it in the Sukka & have peace in their fingers, right?
We're replaying Paul Robert Thomas' works from "The Lyricist" just because it's so darn pretty, and we'll give Kyra Simone another chance to serve us a "Cup of Coffee."
Topping off our Homegrown Hour - Jerusalem's truly Yerushalmi Home Boy, Dani Meir Maman - sometimes called "the Breslav Jimi Hendrix" - with 3 original tunes (in English!) featuring his signature blazing guitar work. You don't get more homegrown than Dani, although he plays all over the World he calls the Musarra Neighborhood of Jerusalem home and you can hear the wailing of electric guitars coming from his home day and night (except, of course, for Shabbos!)
So much great music, so little time - but enjoy what we've rolled up for you - and don't forget you can send us your MP3 files if you want to share your own Homegrown Music - send them to: radiofreenachlaot@gmail.com - we want to sample your wares!