...and then some...
What better way to start the day than with Maya in the Morning, today featuring Weird Al Yankovic -- just to make sure a month without holidays doesn't get us down!

but don't think Tuesday ends when Maya leaves at 11 --no siree...
3-4 PM -Search for the Lost Ark ? or should we say, Return the Found Ark!!!!
Avraham Sand will explain it all to us!
And then at 7PM - the Radio Free Nachlaot Homegrown Hour, today featuring "Show Tunes" by Monica Chapman, and a whole lot more!!!

Now, who says tuesdays are boring?
No way - at least not here, at Radio Free Nachlaot!
Give us a listen, won't you?
...and you'll have, fun, fun, fun, 'til your daddy takes the internet away!!!!!