Lorelai feels there's nothing good to say about this. Steve is trying to focus on the extended growing season and how that might be a blessing for farmers. Which explains the basic point-of-view difference and why you won't hear Showtunes on Steve's shows but will on Lorelai's - counter-intuitive, we know - but it works well.
In light of the present reality, Lorelai is playing some Mood-Altering Music until 1pm, then Chaim Richman on Parshas Vayera, music from Shoshannah Piano, 2pm: Tzedaka Adventures with Arnie Draiman, music from HaBanot Nechama, 3pm: The Attribute of Anger Part 2 from Chaim Richman, music from Akiva Gersh, 4pm: Rebbezin Rena Richman's "Bat Melech" Series "Avraham Was One," music from Seth Breitman and Shir Yaakov Feinstein-Feit, 5pm: the debut of Dov Laimon shiur series - starting with Bereshis ... and then it's very likely we'll hear music from Mary Poppins, just trying to decide between Original London Cast Recording or Disney Movie Extended Version.
Oy, the choices! When will this Endless Summer ever end?