Tonight - At Binyanei Hauma, in Jerusalem, (8:30PM -Box Office opens at 7PM, and there are still tickets available) there will be a celebration of Shlomo Carlebach; his life, his Torah and his music. It will be a multi-media event that is guaranteed to BLOW YOUR MINDS! If you're in Yerushalayim, or can get to Yerushalayim, (and you're not working on the radio), you should BE THERE.
For you who can't get there, we will have the beginning of Week 2 of the 9 Weeks of Shlomo. Music, Interviews with some of the chevra who knew and remember Shlomo, and some "live" reports on the concert as it happens.
Eventually we'll catch up with Saturday Night and celebrate among other things Grace Slick's 71st birthday....
but first, Shlomo, Shlomo, and some more Shlomo.
Gut Voch, Shavua Tov, Have a Happy Week everybody!