Now that sounds like an oxymoron. Cooking for a fast (not fast food, mind you) -- but, actually cooking for the fast.
We're told that eating on the eve of Yom Kippur is like fasting on Yom Kippur. We must be prepared, not just spiritually, but physically. Prepared to fast. Prepared for the Shabbos of Shabboses -- the Holiest of Holy Days.
Let's prepare for this Awesome Day together -- Music, Talk and Torah, right here at Radio Free Nachlaot, starting at 9pm right on through until about 2/3 pm Friday afternoon.
We're going to stand tall in front of the King of Kings, and walk away Winners! You know it's true. We just have to go in to the palace, into the court, in the right State of Mind. Remember - Nachlaot: Not just a neighborhood, a State of Mind.
Gmar Tov. Have a good Finish -- and an even better Start!