Tuesday on Radio Free Nachlaot - the last, the very last Tuesday of 5770 - we're bringing you something old, something new, something borrowed and something bluesy.
What's old and yet surprisingly fresh? The Broadway Cast Recording of "Fiddler on the Roof," that's what! Surely Steve is very sorry he sourced this music and gave it to Lorelai, who has now played it three times in the last 36 hours ... but |IT'S JUST SO GOOD!!!! I CAN'T STOP!"
What's new? "MAYA IN THE MORNING" - our newest Guest DJ Maya Yakaov - brings her high energy, enthusiasm and love for music to the airwaves Tuesday Mornings from 9am - 11am. Today we heard Queen, Joe Cocker, REM, Pearl Jam and more ... Maya is fluent in Hebrew, Russian, Spanish and English but for now her show is in English - don't you think it would be fun to have an all-Hebrew music show?
What's borrowed? Rabbi Yaakov Moshe Poupko! We're deeply honored to have Rabbi Poupko live on-air with us at 7pm this evening, Jerusalem Time, to bring down and give over some very special Rosh HaShana Torah. We don't want to brag but Rav Poupko is not only an internationally respected and much sought-after lecturer, former Rosh haYeshiva, scholar and gentlemen but he's also one of Lorelai's very first Torah teachers in Jerusalem and the kavod-o-meter is going off the charts!
Blusey? How about a little B.B. KING? B.B. King's Blues Summit will take you higher! Playing at 12Noon, Jerusalem Time.
11:30pm - Special Rosh HaShana Message from Rabbi Chaim Richman
2pm - A special Rosh HaShana Message from Rav Avraham Sutton
3pm - Avraham Sutton's class on ROSH HASHANA Part 2
5pm - Rav Ozer Bergman's Rebbe Nachman class from September 2nd
Music from Oren Levi and Oneg Shemesh all afternoon in-between shiurim!
Between 6pm and Rabbi Poupko at 7pm we'll have WILD EARTH SHEBREW music from Holly Shere, and "Moroccan Spirit" music for 1001 nights....
At 8pm we'll have THE HOMEGROWN HOUR with music from ... oh yeah, you'll have to stay tuned for that information!