It's a Tug of War - Good or Bad? Dark or Light? Happy or Sad? Songs of Love, Songs of War. Songs that say stay and songs that say go.
Do we sound in conflict over here? Well, how are we supposed to be, if not in conflict? it's Elul!!
I mean, the King is coming - approaching his throne, and we need to stand before Him, we need to crown Him yet again - acknowledge that He is the King -- and we, His humble servants. Well, that's scary. I mean, you want me to crown the King? What am I supposed to do
How can I possibly be ready? The day is coming in just a week, you know --
How can I possibly be ready? The day is coming in just a week, you know --
Well, here's what I've been thinking. We all have to prepare for Shabbos, right? and the holiness of all that comes in the week after Shabbos, comes down on Shabbos, right? So that's it -- let's just do It RIGHT! Let's bask in the light of the world to come - taste it, feel it, and bring it on Home.
Oh, and the Music? The Soundtrack for while we're getting ready? That's our job. We will play to our conflicts so we can figure this whole thing out.
May all our decisions be sweet, tasty and satisfying.
May our conflicts be resolved (or at least go away).
May we Let the Music Play!!!!