Can you tell we have Succot on our mind? This is the time that we take it to the streets - or at least to the huts...
...and the sound of people building sukkas, buying lulav and esrog, shopping fills the air.
It's a Festival - it's all festive.
...and we're feeling it, here at Radio Free Nachlaot. Stay tuned for the schedule of our special Sukkot programming, but for now, the afternoon looks like this:
Israeli Soul happening now,
3:00 Rabbi Chaim Richman
4:00 Dream Theatre - When Dreams and Day Unite (thanks to my S-I-L for the suggestion)
5:45 Sufjan Stevens - BQE (thanks to Ben Wallick for the suggestion)
6:00 Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers - Into the Great Wide Open
7:00 Homegrown Hour, today featuring all our Homegrown Friends
and then, yup, you guessed it, there will be more --
after 9Pm - Steve will be Cooking for Yom Tov -- or at least he figures you will be, and you need some music with which to cook - don't you?
(It adds to the taste of the food, you know!)