...and Shavua Tov!
This was the prayer of the Kohen Gadol (High Priest) as he stood in the Holy of Holies:
"May it be your will Hashem, our G-d and the G-d of our forefathers, regarding this year that is coming upon us and Your entire people Israel wherever they are, if it must be hot, let it be rainy. Let not the prayer of wayfarers enter your Presence regarding rain - at a time when the world needs it. And let not your people Israel depend on one another or on any other nation for its livelihood. Let it be a year in which no woman will miscarry, in which the trees of the field yield their produce; and in which sovereignty will not be removed from the House of Judah."
What more can we say. I'm confident that we have received a good judgement. Let's act like we have -- it's a New Year -- a time to do all that we've meant to do, and more!!!!
It's also Motzoei Shabbos, which means our Melave Malke --> Saturday Night on the radio has to reflect the power and the energy of the Day -- I mean, how could it not?
Stay tuned and find out!
Shlomo meets Jerry and beyond....
Shavua Tov, Good Year, and as Shmiel would say, "a good winter!"
Tonight's Overnight Schedule:
1:00 AM - Dicky Betts and Great Southern - 3/9/04
2:45 AM - The Grateful Dead - Gaelic Pk, Bronx, NY - 8/26/71
5:30 AM --> TBA - stay tuned, we'll let you know as soon as we do....