And by the time the show is over, you should be ready to sit back, enjoy the Radio Free Nachlaot "Not for Kids Only" Childrens' Hour (3-4:30)-today featuring music from the Lion King, and then we'll be able to dance down the road to Shabbos with Jerry, and Shlomo, and whichever friends decide to dance along.
As my Rabbi used to say, "when you're walking on a good path, you meet good people."
Let's stay together, let's walk together down that road to Shabbos.
Good Shabbos, Good Shabbos!
..and don't forget -- Saturday Night, Motzoei Shabbos - not only will we have a Melave Malke on the air, but IY"H we will have Selichos with Shlomo starting at 12:00 Midnight.
Ok, i know you'll be in shul, but maybe someone else can't make it?
No one should be left out!!! No one should be left out!!!
Good Shabbos, Good Shabbos,
from Radio Free Nachlaot.