We're your World-Wide Neighborhood Radio Home.
Join us tonight for a Melave Malke - just like if you could walk over and sit with us in our living room - we'll have Shlomo, and some talk and Torah, and then more music to lead us to Selichos.
And for those who can't make it to Shul, we have Shlomo's Selichos for you, on the Radio.
We'll run Selichos at Midnight for those in this time zone -- Jerusalem and it's surroundings, then at 7 AM for Chutz L'aaretz -- sorry if it's not going to be exactly Midnight for many of you out there -- what to do? Well, you could come to Yerushalayim....
The point is that when it comes to HKBH - The Almighty, no one, that is correct, NO ONE is left out. How can we not try to include everyone?? How can we not????
Shavua Tov, Shanah Tovah to eveyone.
Oh, and by the way - music for tonight will include (between Selichos and Selichos) a Double Dose of the Dead -- first, From the 100 Year Hall in Frankfurt, Germany - 4/26/72, and then after a Torah on the Parsha from Rabbi Richman, The Grateful Dead from the Cap Center, 9/2/88.
We'll also catch a litte Bird and Miles between 6 and 7 AM, and then after Selichos around 8 AM we'll hear more Shlomo, at 9'ish Putamayo's "African Dreams" selections, some Carole King, and on we go --
Remember, Sunday Night Live at 8PM will feature Tovia Singer. You don't want to miss a word of that show, trust me.