Good Shabbos, Good Shabbos
Yesiree, It's that time already. Time to renew, refresh, REHYDRATE. Time to Sanctify the day with a glass of wine. Time to watch the sun set in the sky and relate to the CREATOR, May His Name be Blessed, knowing that He knows why it's so darn HOT!. Yes, it's time for all good broadcasters and their equipment to power down, cool off, and recharge.
Radio Free Nachlaot thanks everyone for listening, and reminds you that we will be back Motzoei Shabbos, Saturday night 9:30 PM 'ish - Jerusalem Time -- (might be a bit later 'cause it's so hard to leave Shabbos ) for our Melave Malke meets Saturday night program.
Good Shabbos, Good Shabbos, everyone, everywhere.