Luckily most of you know you can come right here to our awesome web page to find out what's going on - another location on the Internet - yes, "It Came From Outer Space" - your internet connection did and so does all the music, talk & Torah you hear on Radio Free Nachlaot - first our little digital 1's & 0's have to be hurled out into the atmosphere and beyond, to a satellite and back - sometimes we'll be sitting right next to each other & sending each other digital messages instead of just TALKING ... we're so used to this cold digital world we've forgotten that REAL LIFE HAPPENS IN ANALOGUE.
Nevertheless! We continue... with music from Leonard Cohen this morning - if our luck holds we'll be visiting live in-studio with Ephraim Jeffery Geltman this morning around 11, and if our luck continues to hold throughout the afternoon we'll be live in-studio with music industry legend and fellow Olah Chadash (for how many years we'll find out later!) Ronnie Vance sometime between 3 and 4 ... stay tuned for more updates but one thing you CAN be sure of, whether it comes from Outer Space or not - you can always tune into our Radio Free Nachlaot stream right here from our web page and listen to find out what's going on!
Did we mention lately you can listen to us on iTunes Radio under the "International / World" Genre, AND of course on your iPhone with one click from the iPhone icon picture on this page, it'll launch your Quicktime player and voila, we're in business - yes, there's no business like Show Business and we guess that's the business we're in!