Unless your daughter is returning from 3 months in Chutz L'aaretz and has specifically requested "wings" for Shabbos - made only as her Abba makes them... I suggest - Salads, and Gin and Tonics, for everyone.
Actually, Rena came home today with LIMES from the Shuk. You better get your limes now everybody, they don't stick around for long !!!
So, yes, I will be providing the soundtrack for your Shabbos preparations, and yes, it's going to be a HOT show!!!
Stay tuned for all the details as they emerge (we'll get started around 9:30 and go from there) but most of all, STAY COOL!!!
The Overnight Schedule is Upon Us:
1:00 AM- Mary Chapin Carpenter - The Age of Miracles
2:00 AM - The Allman Brothers from the Fox Theatre, Atlanta, Ga. 9/26/04
5:00 AM - Jerry Garcia from Capitol Theatre, New Jersey, 4/10/82 - Late Show
which will end just in time for Jerusalem Calling - Steve's 2 hour show directed to Chutz L'aaretz Remember, Jerusalem is Calling YOU!!!!
Friday's schedule will be posted -- as soon as we know it!
Good Shabbos, Good Shabbos.