It's Thursday - already! But not just any thursday. Today is Mark Knopfler's (Dire Straits) 61st birthday. Happy Birthday Mark. To celebrate we're going to be playing Mark Knopfler's music - his solo music, his music with Dire Straits, and a bunch of other stuff, all day long. Yessiree, it's so nice to celebrate someone's birhtday while they're still alive??!!
In addition to Mark-fest, we will bring you:
1:00 PM - Israeli Soul
3:00 PM - Rabbi Avrohom Sutton's shiur on Elul - part 3 (which we re-broadcast at 3AM)
5:00 PM - Nach, Nach, Nachin' on Heaven's Door -- more divrei torah from some of our favorite teachers - Today, Rabbi Yaakov Aharon Shapiro (shlita) - Ramchal, Derech Hashem - part 1
6:30 PM - Mark Knopfler and Emmylou Harris
8:00 PM - Rabbi Ozer Bergman's Rebbe Nachman's Shiur - Live from Pesach and Sara's apt.
9:30 PM - Steve will be "Cookin' for Shabbos" - providing the soundtrack for all of our Sabbath preparations.
And yes, there will be a Dead or Dead-Related concert around 2 Am --
so, stay tuned to Radio Free Nachlaot - you can't afford to miss a beat!