Give me spots on my apples but leave me the birds and the bees ... .Pleeeeeeeese!"
Homegrown Hour has come to Radio Free Nachlaot - spots on our apples and all - and we're debuting original homegrown music BY our friends and fans tonight at 7pm - take a bite, won't you?
It's so cool to have our very own Internet Radio Station. People from all over are reaching out to us and sending us their music. Whether you're the leader of your local garage band or a regular performer in your own home town, you might be creating some really special music - but Gevaldt, how ya gonna get it played on the radio?
We're inviting you to share your original music with us. You can email MP3 or .WAV files to us at radiofreenachlaot@gmail.com and we'll listen to them, and if they're chosen we'll play them on our newest program, the Radio Free Nachlaot HOMEGROWN HOUR, every Tuesday at 7pm.
Enjoy Lorelai's "Morning Dew for the Morning Jew" Show this morning - an extended version, running through 1pm - featuring music from Tom Paxton, the Black-Eyed Peas, the Byrds, John Lennon, Michelle Shocked, Joni Mitchell, Queen Latifah, Billy Joe, Bob Dylan, Otis Redding, Bon Jovi, Bob Marley, Neil Young, Eric Clapton, Santana, 10CC, Fleetwood Mac, Indigo Girls, Jane's Addiction, Lou Reed and MORE, so much more!
- 1pm - Rabbi Chaim Richman's Parsha Shavua "Ki-Tavo"
- 1pm - 3p - "Israeli Soul" Afternoon with music by HaDag Nahash, Soulfarm, Groyse Metsie, Yud and Adi Ran.
- 3pm - Rav Avraham Sutton's Series on the Jewish Holidays continues with "Elul" Part 6
- 5pm - "Na-Na-Nachin' on Heaven's Door" features Part 2 of Avraham Sutton's class on the Baal Shem Tov's teachings about food & the holiness of eating.
It's a big, bright FULL MOON after all, we'll bring you music worth howling about, we promise!
Tonight's Wanted Dead, or Related: Live program will feature The Allman Brothers Band from Jones Beach, Long Island, NY - 8/24/05. Were you there? (I know I was!!) Well, tonight we can all be there, together.