Tonight we'll hear original work from Benjamin Brody, Paul Thomas (a.k.a. Dovid Ben Avroham from Holon), Ofer Golani, Ben Schwed, Jim Costello (a.k.a. Yaakov Yisrael), an ABC News Australia feature about Lazer Lloyd Blumen and some music from him as well, Gary Lifshitz, Majuda and Yair Gordon. WOW! That's a whole lotta Homegrown!
Do you think you can handle it? We do - we have faith in you - and if you have original music you'd like to share with us you can email it to us as MP3 files to radiofreenachlaot@gmail.com - we'll give it a listen & if it's tasty we'll share it with our World-Wide listening audience - Tuesday Nights 7pm - Homegrown Rules!