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Nachlaot is the Greenwich Village / Haight Ashbury of Jerusalem - rhymes with "rock the boat, skin the goat"

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ZOOM: The Leader in Field Recording Excellence
As Aretha Sang: "Who's Zoomin' Who?"

Sunday, October 16, 2011

You're Invited!!

That's right. You are all invited to spend today, the 4th Day of Sukkot with us in the Radio Free Nachlaot Sukka High atop Undisclosed Studio "A", Deep in the Heart of Nachlaot!

And if you can't be with us in person (between 3 and 10 PM), then join us on the radio -- as a matter of fact, watch us on the radio (at least between 3 and 5) when Sunday Night Live goes Prime Time during the Day Time!

Today's show, brought to you by BE THERE ISRAEL ( feature:

at 3:00 PM -Yerachmiel (Rocky) Ziegler
and at 4:00 - Yankele Shemesh.
As for the rest of the day? - Maya, Elijah Sidikman (Long Time Gone), Rabbi Yaakov Moshe Poupko and Rabbi Betzalel Edwards have promised to stop by -- BUT YOU JUST NEVER KNOW who will join the Holy Ushpizin in our Psychedelic Sukka this year!

Our Sukka is sponsored by the HOLY TEMPLE, may it be rebuilt speedily and in our day - exactly as we're commanded to build a Sukka, we're commanded to build the Temple - it didn't just drop from the sky!) Our Sukka was made possible by a generous contributions from people who love the Holy Temple, and Radio Free Nachalot.

It's Sukkot. Zman Simchaseinu - time of HAPPINESS.
Let's get Happy, together.
C Ya on the Radio!