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As Aretha Sang: "Who's Zoomin' Who?"

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Three Weeks are Upon Us!

As we descend into the heart of Tamuz and Av, once again, we fast on the 17th of Tamuz, and prepare for the long haul until the 10th of Av, when we can begin the ascent to Elul, and Tishrei. The Slonimer Rebbe reminds us that the 22 days of the "3 weeks" are similar to the 22 days between Rosh Hashonna and Shmini Atzeret. Similar? Yes. The "practise" may be different, but the goal, to do Teshuva, to put ourselves "in order" and to create a more clear path between us and G-d, that's the same. We fast to underline that there will be no distractions between us and G-d. No meals, no drinking, nothing to get in the way of our raw selves reaching out to the Master of the Universe to help put things right. I will show G-d that I am putting myself right, and hope he will do the same. I will show G-d that even though I live in Israel/Jerusalem, I still mourn the days when the Temple was the spiritual purification system for the world, and I still mourn the impurity of life as we know it. G-d is Perfect. We all strive for Perfection. We all need connections. To ourselves, to each other, and to G-d. It's just the way it is. I bless us all, and please send the blessings back, that we will kick-start these three weeks with resolve that by the 9th of Av we won't need to fast or cry, no more! Now, to help us out, the music for the next 13 days will be "soul-full" music. Not Motown, not Soul music, but music that will touch our souls. Music that will create a soundtrack condusive to meditiation, contemplation, and to focussing on what's inside. Spiritual music. Soul-full music. And you, know, all those Rock and Rollers we love, those folk and Jazz artists we love, they all have that "soul-full" side. They all have music and lyrics that will make us think and feel, and we, the DJs of Radio Free Nachlaot, Steve, Lorelai, Maya, Mike - we're going to find that music, and you're going to hear and feel ( I hope) the results. Of course the 9 Day of Av will be Torah filled, and then......Hopefully different in many ways, we'll be back to our usuall programming, just in time for the 9 days of Jerry! Redemption! Geulah. May it come speedy, Bimheira Byameinu - speedy in our days, Amen!

Monday, June 24, 2013


So if you were wondering what i was up to lately or to where i have vanished...put your worries to rest-I'm right here. Though there have been adventures as always :). My latest adventure was skydiving... And yes, it is crazy as it sounds!!!! Jumping from a plane to the unknowen is very disturbing but also very exhilarating. You hear all kinds of sounds and songs up in the clouds. Tonight the heat is on with great music and stories from the sky, 21-23pm(Jerusalem time), with me-Maya.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Our Early Jewish American Music Heritage - Everything Old is New Again

Lorelai is thinking about her upcoming trip to the USA, and her thoughts are turning towards ... Early Jewish American Music.

That's logical, right Mr. Spock?

There's no doubt that music has played an important part in the evolution of worldwide Jewish culture and traditions. The Milken Archive has developed extensive documentation, records and collections of music that follows liturgical and other music genres as they accompanied the developing American Jewish community from its early days to the present. 

Sephardic Jews in America

The archive actually dates back to the time when the first Jews reached the shores of what would become the United States. A small group of Dutch Jews who had been living in Brazil were forced to leave when the Portuguese Inquisition took hold in Brazil. They made their way to the American colonies, settling initially in New Amsterdam (later New York). They were soon followed by a second group which laid down roots in Newport Rhode Island. These early Jewish Americans established synagogues, the Sherith Israel in New York and the Touro synagogue in Rhode Island which were quickly followed by other synagogues in new Jewish communities including in towns and cities throughout Massachusetts and Connecticut.

These first Jewish immigrants to America's shores followed Sephardic traditions. Their ancestors had originated in Spain and were forced to leave after the 1492 Expulsion. Thousands of expelled Jews took up residents in Holland and Jews from this community were, by and large, the settlers that made up the early American Jewish community. Early Jewish immigrants brought their Sephardic culture with them, including their music and the traditional tunes of their prayers. Many of these tunes are in Ladino, a Jewish language which has heavy influences of Hebrew, Arabic, Aramaic, Spanish, Greek, Turkish and other Mediterranean languages.

This 17th and 18th century music comprises one of the Milken Archives' largest collections. The recordings of these songs and prayers are presented at the Archive along with the original compositions and melodies, many of which continue to be sung and chanted in American Sephardic congregations today. The Archives include extensive chants, prayers, liturgy and other types of early American music which illustrate the American Jewish experience. The music demonstrates the progression of the early Sephardic Jewish community as it expanded and incorporated other American and Jewish influences in their worship and general culture. These recording include Ladino folk songs, some of which originated in Europe and others which were composed in America.

Lowell Milken who created the Archive hopes that recording, preserving and disseminating the music will strengthen the spirit of American Jews.The Milken Archive, in its volume The Song of Prayer in Colonial and 19th-Century America, features a wide range of selections of these musical presentations. Some of the recordings, such as Shira Hadasha (morning prayers), chants of Tisha B'Av, Baruch HaBa, Shabbat songs and psalms and Torah readings are of unknown origins.

For others, the composers and singers are known. The Archive presents Gustov Cohen's "Adon Olam," "Mizmor Shir L'Yom Shabbat" by Frederick Kitziger and "Our Guardian Slumbers Not" by C. Weber.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Ok, running late, but Avraham, IY"H will be here!!!!

Ok, the word is in that (although you may have thought that you just read somewhere that we were postponing tonight's special program...) Avraham Sand will be here, IY"H, just a little later than we thought.
7:00 PM - Homegrown Hour will feature some of the music we keep receiving from all of you, and then a Special Program on Kohanim, and the Priestly Blessing, with our good friend, Avraham Sand.
C Ya on the Radio!!!!

Monday, June 10, 2013

Tonight, Tuesday Night, A Homegrown Special, A Homegrown Delight!

Yes, tonight, Tuesday at 7:00 PM the Homegrown Hour will feature a visit from our friend and special guest Avraham Sand.

This week's topic will be a Special on Kohanim:  The Blessings of the Priests.

I think that it's interesting that we tried to present this show a few weeks ago, but obviously it was meant to take place between the weeks of Korach and Chukat.  Korach - he wanted to be the High Priest.  Chukat - the laws of the Red Heifer, the laws of Purity and Impurity - and who are our facilitators in the process of purity ? You got it, the Kohanim.....
So, with Kohanim in the air, it is only right that we have Avraham Sand, HaKohen visit and talk with us about Kohanim, and the Blessings of the Priests.
You do not want to miss this one!
7:00 PM - Tuesday Night, right here on Radio Free Nachlaot!!!
C Ya on the Radio!!!!


A lot of things came to an end lately: Grey's Anatomy, How i met your mother (finely we know who the mother is after 8 seasons...), Spring made it's way for the Summer. One thing is still here-our Monday night musical journey :). The journey continues to explore new music and artists, and i must say that Indie rock&roll never sounded better. Tonight, (21-23pm Jerusalem time) we'll enjoy classic rock hits with new comers and their tunes. So get into the GROOVE

Monday, June 3, 2013


Yes, Yes, the happy days have arrived! The custom is that the day itself is only the beginning to the festivities to come... So tonight the party is at the radio. And of course all of you invited to tune in! I was thinking about the play list and then decided that the music tonight will reflect my state of mind these days...So tonight, same place, same time(21-23pm, Jerusalem time). The party is ON!!!