"That's Show Biz," folks! Man plans, G*d laughs, and sometimes we cry. Like last night, when Steve Levine's laptop died a horrible and painful death after two years and two months of continual brave cool runnings on behalf of Radio Free Nachlaot. Baruch Dayan haEmes.
Yes it WAS an elderly laptop (a 2007 HP), and it WAS on it's last leg, but really, did we need this now? OK, so "stuff happens," as we've already proven. So we turn to you, our Radio Free Nachlaot friends and family, for help and support. We need a new laptop for Steve! See the PayPal icon on this web page? Please throw some spare change our way. We need to raise somewhere between $800 and / or 3000NIS to replace his machine - meanwhile, the entire station is running ONLY on Lorelai's laptop. That's a lot of strain and drain on one machine. So thanks for the help - we get by with a little help from our friends!
Today on Radio Free Nachlaot - the Wednesday Musical Cholent Mix from 8am - 10am (do you dig the Deep Purple we played? Gevaldt, it's been a long time since we heard "Book of Taliesyn!"). From 10am - 11am, "What's New With Lorelai" (CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD AND LISTEN TO TODAY'S EPISODE) in which she discusses the 9,000 U.S. Troops being sent to Israel, Saudi Arabia vs. Israel in the credit card hackers smackdown, Israel prepares to shelter Syrian refugees (yes, really!) and of course, the big news - "Moderate Pot Smoking 'Not Bad' For Lungs" - you do the math, people. If you take the advice of Sublime and smoke two joints in the morning, smoke two joints at night, smoke two joints in the afternoon because it makes you feel allright - that's 6 joints a day X 6 days a week (NO smoking on Shabbos!!!), that's about 1,872 joints per year. "Good" for the lungs? OK, that must be medical news all right! :)
On the Bluesy Blues Show (11am - 12N) we're featuring Eric Clapton and Buddy Guy Live at Ronnie Scott's (1987) followed by the Jazzy Jazz Show (12N - 1pm) it's Bob James "Foreplay" (it's always a good time for foreplay, right?)
Israeli Soul Afternoon )1pm - 6pm) today includes music from In Lakesh (that's Didgeri Trance Music, folks!), selections from our friend Jonty Zweibner's "One Song World" project including music from Schlock Rock, JudaBlue, HaMakor, Yosef Daniel, Shtar, Ben Draiman and Gershon Verboda. We'll also hear from the Kabbalah Dream Orchestra, the Kirtan Rabbi and Klezmorim.
A special Torah treat from Rav Avraham Sutton at 6:30pm - more on his series about Prophecy ("The Possibility of Differentiation") and at 7pm we'll hear Rabbi Chaim Richman and Yitzchak Reuven's "Temple Talk" on Parsha Shemot - yep, we're going down into Egypt, but you know what that means? It means our redemption is nearer than it was yesterday!
After that - well, who knows? We were supposed to have Maya tonight at 9pm but with a dead laptop in Studio B, we can't promise anything. We DO promise that, with G*d's help (if He can stop laughing long enough!) the show WILL go on. With your help, we'll replace Steve's laptop and the show will go on "as usual." If you can help with a contribution - we thank you VERY SINCERELY AND HEARTILY, just go to the PayPal icon on our web page and make a donation - the radio station you save may be your own!!!
Streaming the best music, talk and Torah 24/6 from an undisclosed location, deep inside Nachlaot - Jerusalem's coolest neighborhood - to the World!
Nachlaot is the Greenwich Village / Haight Ashbury of Jerusalem - rhymes with "rock the boat, skin the goat"
Nachlaot is the Greenwich Village / Haight Ashbury of Jerusalem - rhymes with "rock the boat, skin the goat"