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Nachlaot is the Greenwich Village / Haight Ashbury of Jerusalem - rhymes with "rock the boat, skin the goat"

ZOOM: The Leader in Field Recording Excellence

ZOOM: The Leader in Field Recording Excellence
As Aretha Sang: "Who's Zoomin' Who?"

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Live Music - Tonight - Sunday Night Live - 7-9 PM

That's Right.
Live Music returns to Sunday Night Live -
Tonight featuring:  Yosef Daniel (Villarreal)

Yosef Daniel, (I didn't even know he had a last name) has been sending us music for the Homegrown Hour for quite some time. I think it's time we all get to meet him.
Yosef will be here with his Producer and percussionist Freddie for a couple of hours of 
Live Music, Recorded Music and all the stuff in between. 

Join us, tonight, 7:00 - 9:00 PM (Jerusalem Time) for Sunday Night Live, with Yosef Daniel.
C Ya on the Radio!!!!