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ZOOM: The Leader in Field Recording Excellence
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Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Woodstock in July???!!!!

So what's this about Woodstock in July? I mean, Woodstock? What about Charlie Brown, and Lucy, and Linus, and Shroeder... I mean why just Woodstock?
Oh, you say, not Woodstock, 

That's Right! You remember Woodstock!
 3 Days of Love, Peace, Mud and Music....
But wait, wasn't that in August of 1969?
So, what is this Woodstock V in Jerusalem, 2013?
Well, it's as Libby said, Love, Peace, Music and no mud....
and this year it's in July.
July 18th, as a matter of fact -- 
....and you're going to be there, RIGHT?????

....and if this doesn't tell the whole story, listen to RFN between 11:00 PM and 1:00 AM for our Woodstock in July special, featuring a FREE TICKET give-a-way, one each hour if you're the first one to  answer our Woodstock Quiz.
Sounds like fun?
You Betcha.
We'll be playing music from the Original Woodstock Festival, and from the Woodstock RevIVal that took place just last year.
You don't want to miss it.
C Ya on the Radio!!!!!
(and C Ya at the Festival!!!!)