Streaming the best music, talk and Torah 24/6 from an undisclosed location, deep inside Nachlaot - Jerusalem's coolest neighborhood - to the World!

Nachlaot is the Greenwich Village / Haight Ashbury of Jerusalem - rhymes with "rock the boat, skin the goat"

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ZOOM: The Leader in Field Recording Excellence
As Aretha Sang: "Who's Zoomin' Who?"

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Shavua Tov - Parshas Beraishis - On the Road, Again!

That's right folks, we are "on the road, again."  I mean, we've had time to reflect, repent, get our bearings, reset our spiritual and physical GPS systems, danced our tuchuses off in the Sukka, and around the Torahs, and now, we pull out of the "rest stop" back on to the highway, all charged up and ready to go!

... and where are we going, you ask?

Well, first stop is Sunday Night Live, with tonight's special guest, who just happens to be one of our sponsors of last week's Moshav Meor Modiim's Music Festival broadcast, Dr. Tova Goldfine.
Dr. Tova will spend some time with Steve and Lorelai, live in Studio "B" talking about all things healthy, and i bet a bunch more!!!!!

Join us, the first Sunday Night Live of 5774, starting at 7:00 PM Israel time, right here on Radio Free Nachlaot.
C Ya on the Radio!!!!