"Today is the birthday of the World..."
At RFN, we're like Hobbits with the minhag of birthdays - we think they call for presents to be distributed!
L'kavod the New Year, "The birthday of the world," we'd like to present Radio Free Nachlaot's
first gift to you for the Year 5774 - a link to the folder containing
RFN's entire "Sunday Night Live" Show from August 25th, featuring Steve
and Lorelai's review of the Mickey Hart Band's performance in Jerusalem
on Aug 22nd, as well as our exclusive interviews with Mickey Hart, Crystal Monee Hall and Incredible Records Founder Jonathon Lipsin
The show has been broken up into small bite size pieces for your
listening convenience and pleasure - a total of 8 separate MP3
recordings in this file folder, in order of how they aired on the show -
enjoy them! With love from us at RFN to y'all.
Streaming the best music, talk and Torah 24/6 from an undisclosed location, deep inside Nachlaot - Jerusalem's coolest neighborhood - to the World!
Nachlaot is the Greenwich Village / Haight Ashbury of Jerusalem - rhymes with "rock the boat, skin the goat"
Nachlaot is the Greenwich Village / Haight Ashbury of Jerusalem - rhymes with "rock the boat, skin the goat"